Strive That Ye May Obtain

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Datuk Stephen Foo and I go a long way back as we were part of a badminton group and we used to meet once or twice a week.  Had many good discussions on many matters during the breaks.

When the idea was mooted to form the St. Paul’s Schools Alumni Association and I announced it in middle of 2008, I requested for his help in formulating the constitution of the Association. He readily agreed and we met at my house over many months to come up with the constitution.

His heart was fully into forming the Association.  I remember also going to see the Anglican Bishop then, Bishop Yong Ping Chung together with Datuk Stephen Foo to inform him on the formation of the Association.

His contribution towards designing the constitution was crucial to the Association being formed as there was no hitches when we presented it to the Registrar of Societies.

Truly a St.Paulian.


Datuk Dr Allan Mathews, 

Charter Chairman/Advisor, St. Paul’s Schools Alumni Association.



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