Strive That Ye May Obtain

Sunday, May 27, 2018

9TH AGM (2018) - SPSAA

The 9th Annual General Meeting of SPSAA was conducted successfully at the Venetian Club, on 27th May 2018, 3 days before the Sabah's Kaamatan Festival. Twenty two members attended the AGM where Lunch was served at 12.30PM before the commence of the meeting. As the 9th AGM was an election year, the new team for the period of 2018/2020 was duly elected during this meeting. Most of the retired EC members except for Mr. Hiew Ha min were re-elected again to serve in the said new period.

The following Executive members elected are as follows.,

SPSAA's New Team for 2018/2020.

PATRON     :-  Datuk Seri Panglima Musa  Bin Hj Aman

ADVISORS :- 1. Datuk Stephen Foo    2. Datuk Allan Mathews   

CHAIRMAN             :  Datuk Chin Chee Kee (JP)

DEP CHAIRMAN    :  Datuk Harris Mathews

SECRETARY             :  Tony Yh Lim

ASST SECRETARY   :  Chan Suk Ting

TREASURER            :  Jack Chong Su Hen

1. Anthony Chung, 2. Doris Pang, 3. Chiam Mee Lan, 4. Peter Chung, 5. Hiew Ha Min, 6. Sheaby Lim.

HONORARY AUDITORS :- 1. Chan Kok Kong, 2. Chin Chee Fui

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