Strive That Ye May Obtain

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Message from Mr. Seah Soo Lin - Ex Principal (2000-2008)

In April 2000, Mr. Ng Kim Huat, the then principal of St Paul’s Sec School was offered to be transferred to SMK Pamol in Sandakan. He has accepted the offer and a new principal; Mr Seah Soo Lin took over the helm of St Paul’s. Prior to his new appointment, Mr. Seah was the Administrative Assistant. Meanwhile, En Noor Zam Yusof and En. Azman Isa were also appointed as ‘Penolong Kanan Hal Elwal Pelajar” or administrative Assistants for Students welfare for St Paul’s.

Mr Seah would like to sent his message to all St Paulians.

".......The Year 2001 witnessed a new class called “Kelas Aliran Sains Tulen” and St Paul’s shaped students for the said new stream commenced in Year 2000.

In the Year 2003, the front portion of the school office was cemented while the canteen was extended at the end of the same year. During the same year, the Project ‘Kelas G’ or ‘Brilliant Class’ was inaugurated. ‘Kelas G” brought together selective students from Form One and Form Two and it was conducted in the morning session. This project ‘G’ is one of the programs for upgrading the standard of academic of the school.

In Feb 2004, The School Board and the school worked hand in hand to kick off the construction of a multi-purpose hall. The school hall was completed within six months. The building of the school hall gained the collaboration from two members of the PIBG or ‘Parents Teachers Association’ whom had also sponsored part of the cost of the construction.

The multi purpose hall was officially opened on the 30th Aug 2004 in conjunction with the 'Merdeka' Day. With the completion of the hall, the badminton project for students inducted in 2003 was now able to conduct effectively.

The students practiced the game in the new hall and a volunteer coach; Mr. Teo Han Chai was invited to assist the badminton team. With the coaching from Mr.Teo, the school badminton team excelled and was successful in participating the various Beaufort District organized badminton competitions.

In the same year 2004, a new teacher, Ms Liew Siew Wan was transferred to St Paul’s from SM St. Patrick, Tawau. The brilliant Ms Liew involved very much in assisting to improve the prestige and other fields of the school.

S.M. St Paul recorded in history for the year 2006 when the State Govt of Sabah sponsored a new Computer Lab facilitating with 30 units of computers. The official opening of the Computer Lab was graced by the Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB Datuk Seri Pg Musa Bin Hj Aman. In 2007, one of the PMR students, Cliff Asher R.Ongil achieved outstanding results and brought pride to the school. He was listed as one of the top ten students to have 8As in the State of Sabah.

In April 2008, I was transferred to S.M. St John, Beaufort and Ms Tan Boon Kyee succeeded me as the new Principal in helming St Paul's."

Seah Soo Lin
Principal (2000-2008)
Source : The Leaven Special Edition
(1958 - 2008)

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