Strive That Ye May Obtain

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Pelajar (𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘𝗣 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭)

Student Excellence Award Ceremony - 2021

Venue: St Paul's Sec School, Beaufort, Sabah. 

Once again, the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association of St Paul’s School was invited to attend and grace the MAKEP 2021 held at the school hall on the 23rd June 2022. The ceremony was supposed to hold last year, 2021 was duly postponed to this date owing to the prevailing pandemic Covid-19 which was still persisted.

As Chairman of the Alumni Association (SPSAA), I was given the honour to officiate the ceremony. Presences at the said ceremony were Asst Secretary, Mdm Chan Suk Ting and EC member cum School Board Chairman, Mr. Vincient Kok.

Photos taken during the ceremony were posted as follows.

Tony Yh Lim - Chairman (SPSAA)

Sekali lagi, Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Persatuan Alumni Sekolah St Paul telah dijemput untuk menghadiri MAKEP 2021 yang diadakan di Dewan Sekolah pada 23 Jun 2022. Majlis yang sepatutnya diadakan pada tahun lepas, 2021 telah ditangguhkan ke tarikh ini kerana wabak Covid-19  yang masih berterusan ketika itu.

Saya selaku Pengerusi Persatuan Alumni (SPSAA) telah diberi penghormatan untuk merasmikan majlis tersebut. Turut hadir ke majlis ialah Penolong Setiausaha, Puan Chan Suk Ting dan ahli EC merangkap Pengerusi Lembaga Sekolah, Encik Vincient Kok.

Gambar-gambar yang diambil semasa majlis tersebut disiarkan seperti berikut:-

Tony Yh Lim  - Pengerusi (SPSAA)

Entering the MAKEP ceremony venue with the principal, PIBG and teachers

The background banner in the hall

Participants (students) for the MAKEP 2021

Officials of the MAKEP 2021

Chairman of SPSAA giving his speech

One for the album - Officials of MAKEP 2021
Gong beating by Chairman of SPSAA to officiate the ceremony

Award presentation

Award Presentation

Receiving a gesture from the school principal as Guest Of Honour

Award presentation

Award presentation (received on behalf by a parent)

Award presentation by the principal, Mr. Goh

Award presentation by a teacher

Award presentation by PIBG Chairman

Teachers of St Paul Secondary School

Award Presentation

Award presentation by a teacher

Most prestigious award of the MAKEP

St Paulian Of The Year winner - 2021

Sunday, June 19, 2022

12th & 13th AGM - SPSAA


For the first time the 12th and 13th Annual General Meeting of SPSAA was conducted successfully at the Venetian Club, on the 19th Jun 2022 by means of physical cum Hybrid style of meeting. With this new format, members of SPSAA living outstation or abroad can participate the AGM online via the handphone or computer. 

The 12th AGM was not held in the year of 2021 owing to the surge of covid-19 cases in the State throughout  and was postponed to held together with the 13th AGM on the same date with the approval of  ROS.  Twenty three members attended the AGM where lunch was served at 12.00PM before commencing of the meeting.

As the 13th AGM was an election year, the new team for the period of 2023/2025 was also elected during the meeting.  Practically, the whole former committee was re-elected for the new term except for a change in one of the internal auditors. Mr. Johnny Ting  was unanimously appointed as our new Legal Advisor for SPSAA.


The following Executive Members duly elected are as follows.,


 SPSAA's NEW TEAM FOR 2023/2025.


PATRON     :-  Tan Sri Panglima Musa  Bin Hj Aman

ADVISORS :-  1. Datuk Allan Mathews   2. Datuk Chin Chee Kee  3. Johnny Ting (Legal)


CHAIRMAN             :   Tony Lim

DEP CHAIRMAN     :   Chin Chee Fui

SECRETARY             :   Sheaby Lim

ASST SECRETARY   :  Chan Suk Ting

TREASURER            :    Jack Chong Su Hen



 1. Hiew Ha Min, 2. Peter Chung, 3. Tan Guan Hock, 4. Chiam Moi Chee, 5. Chiam Mei Fong, 

 6. Vincient Kok



 1. Adrian Ho, 2. Chiam Mee Lan